I have just finished a 4 year project and have slowed down to site maintenance for the moment at the University. Now it is time to start contributing to my Blog. Thank you for visiting my Blog. Here at the University of Tennesee we tend to brand everything we have. That being said I like to customize my environments that I use. There are many options in CYGWIN that many people may not know about.
Jay Summet has a great CYGWIN Install video check out this
First, I have a custom screen that comes up when I launch
the CYGWIN console. The message is just a shell script that prints up the message
for the user to see when the window is opened.
This is easily done by adding one line to the ‘.profile’
file in your home directory.
You can do a PWD after opening your CYGWIN console, or just
type ‘echo $HOME’.
So your $HOME will be
‘/home/{user name} ‘ but the real path in windows will be something like the following ‘C:\cygwin64\home\{user
The content for ‘message.sh’ is as follows:
# This script clears the terminal, displays a greeting and
gives information
# about currently connected users. The two example variables are set and
clear # Clear the terminal window.
echo "
* * * * * * * W A R N I N G * * * * * * * * * *"
echo " "
echo "This computer system is the property of the {organization
name}. It is for authorized use only.
Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in administrative disciplinary action and/or
civil charges/criminal penalties. By
continuing to use this system you indicate your awareness of and consent
to these terms and conditions of
echo " "
echo "LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY if you do not agree to
conditions stated in this warning."
echo " "
echo "
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "
echo "Welcome, $USER" # dollar sign is used to get
content of variable.
echo "Today's date is `date`, this is week `date
echo "These users are currently connected:"
who | cut -d " " -f 1 - | grep -v USER | sort -u
echo " "
echo "This is `uname -s` running on a `uname -m` processor."
echo " "
#echo "This is the uptime information:"
The script also displays the User ID, time, date, and
I also have a menu that is custom made to run my favorite
Menu content {menu.sh} is as follows:
function press_enter
echo ""
echo -n
"Press Enter to continue"
function today {
echo "Today's
date is: "
date +"%A, %B
%-d, %Y"
until [ "$selection" = "0" ]; do
echo ""
echo " ---------------------------"
echo "1 - display free disk space"
echo "2 - display free memory"
echo "3 - display current date"
echo "4 - display processes"
echo "5 - Shut Down SSH Service"
echo "6 - Start Up
SSH Service"
echo "7 - other programs"
echo "8 - Phone Numbers"
echo "8.5 -
Do not select this!"
echo "9 - Password Database"
echo " ----------------------------"
echo "0 - exit menu"
echo ""
echo -n
"Enter selection: "
read selection
echo ""
case $selection in
1 ) df ;
press_enter ;;
2 ) free ;
press_enter ;;
3 ) today ;
press_enter ;;
4 ) ps
-ef; press_enter;;
5 ) net
stop sshd; press_enter;;
6 ) net
start sshd; press_enter;;
7 )
8 ) utkphonwin
8.5 )
phbook ;;
9 )
COB_PRE_LOAD=cobdes utpasssecwin ;;
0 ) exit ;;
* ) echo
"Please enter 1, 2, or 0"; press_enter
I would like to mention you can use the .profile to
automatically launch the menu to create a ‘turn key’ system.
Thanks for visiting my Blog and I hope to have new content