First I downloaded the GYGWIN installed from the website.
For my purposes I installed every package available from the CYGWIN installer as I want as much functionality as I can get from my CYGWIN installation. But is you just want to install GNU COBOL here are the dependencies you need to install as of 12-29-2021.
Watch my installation here:
I have time stamps for each the install steps.
Current dependencies can be found here:
GnuCOBOL REQUIRES one of the following external libraries to be installed
for implementation of decimal arithmetic:
BOTH runtime AND development components required.
o GNU MP (libgmp) 4.1.2 or later
o MPIR (libgmp - MPIR gmp-compat) 1.3.1 or later
(preferred when compiling on Windows with other compilers than GCC)
GNU MP and MPIR are distributed under GNU Lesser General Public License.
Please ALWAYS use the distro package whenever possible !!
See NOTE above.
GnuCOBOL MAY require the following external libraries to be installed:
NOTE - libltdl is NOT needed when installing on Linux,
SUN Solaris, MAC OS, CentOS or Windows
(including Cygwin, MingW and native windows).
It is also NOT needed with later versions of AIX and HP-UX.
(AIX >= 5.1 and HP-UX >= 11.1 are known to NOT require this).
(Check if you have the "dlopen" function).
o GNU Libtool (libltdl)
libltdl is used to implement dynamic CALL statements.
GNU Libtool is distributed under GNU Lesser General Public License.
The following libraries ARE required WHEN :
1) Indexed-Sequential file I/O (ISAM) is used
BOTH runtime AND development components required.
One of the following:
o Berkeley DB (libdb) 4.1 or later
Berkeley DB is distributed under Oracles own open-source license.
Note that if you linked your software with Berkeley DB,
you must distribute the source code of your software along with your
software, or you have to pay royalty to Oracle.
o VBISAM - ISAM file handler (libvbisam) 2.0 or later
VBISAM is distributed under GNU Lesser General Public License.
o DISAM File handler (libdisam)
DISAM is distributed under the proprietary License
"Byte Designs Ltd. DISAM Software License".
2) SCREEN SECTION and/or extended ACCEPT/DISPLAY is used
BOTH runtime AND development components required.
One of the following:
o Ncurses (ncurses or ncursesw) 5.2 or later
Ncurses is distributed under a BSD style license.
o PDCurses (pdcurses) for MinGW/native windows ports or
PDCurses is distributed as Public Domain.
o Unix curses
3) XML runtime support is used
BOTH runtime AND development components required.
libxml2 -
libxml2 is distributed under MIT License.
4) JSON runtime support is used
BOTH runtime AND development components required.
One of the following:
o cJSON >= 1.3.0 -
Note: As an alternative of an installed version you may place
cJSON.c and cJSON.h under "libcob" to include the used functions
directly in the COBOL runtime.
cJSON is distributed under MIT License.
o JSON-C >= 0.12 -
JSON-C is distributed under Expat License.
Create a installation directory:
I use C:\COBOL as my installation which is different from C:\OC as most people use.
After CYGWIN is installed you may want to edit C:\cygwin\home\<xyz>\.bashrc
Comment out these lines in the file
# export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
... .
# alias rm='rm -i'
# alias cp='cp -i'
# alias mv='mv -i'
#alias less='less -r' # raw control characters
# alias whence='type -a' # where, of a sort
# alias grep='grep --color'
# alias ls='ls -hF --color=tty' # classify files in colour
# alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
# alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
# alias ll='ls -l' # long list
# alias la='ls -A' # all but . and ..
# alias l='ls -CF'
Add these lines to the end of the file
# some additional commands to enter
alias c:='cd /cygdrive/c'
alias grep='grep --color'
alias cls='clear'
alias lla='ls -la'
alias d2u='dos2unix'
# only add the following if you have your programs
# in c:/OC/pgms
alias mypgms='cd /cygdrive/c/OC/pgms'
# set a nice looking prompt:
PS1='\h:\W\$ '